Herriman City Support
A Herriman Animal Services truck staged next to the state capitol building at a 2020 rally

Animal Services

Lost, Found, & Adoptable Animals

Below are recently found or lost animals. Found animals still unclaimed after five business days may be available for adoption. 

If your animal has been lost or found, or if you're interested in adopting an animal, please contact Animal Services by calling 801-758-0080 or emailing animals@herrimanpd.gov.

Animal Services

Herriman City Animal Services' goal is to promote responsible pet ownership through education and enforcement. We are dedicated to providing consistent, reliable, and professional solutions for animal-related issues. Our animal care and control services include:

  • Pet licensing
  • 24/7 field operations and enforcement
  • Enforcing animal-related City ordinances
  • Live trap loans, including animal removal
  • Community education, media, and outreach events
  • Providing shelter for all types of lost and abandoned pets
  • Investigating complaints of animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect
  • Responding to emergencies involving injured or aggressive animals

Visit Us on Social Media

Herriman City Animal Services can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

Loud Animals

To report a noisy animal, call (801-758-0080) or email (animals@herrimanpd.gov) the Animal Services Department.

No-Kill Shelter

As we serve Herriman's animal and pet needs, we are dedicated to no-kill principles, recognizing every animal is an individual with a life worth saving.  With no-kill values, we seek to make end-of-life decisions for a pet as an act of mercy rather than done for convenience or a lack of space. In order to stay true to our no-kill principles, we seek to heal animals that can be healed, treat behaviors than can be treated, prioritize safety, and seek to increase the number of animals leaving our watch through adoption and other programs that lead to them finding a safe place to call home.

K9 Memorial Dog Park • 5075 West Herriman Main Street

Dog Park

Contact Us

Non-emergency Dispatch:





7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

