Herriman City Support

Be Ready Herriman

Be Ready Herriman is the City’s emergency preparedness program. It provides community preparedness meetings, training, drills and emergency response organization. The mission is to be a resource to professional emergency response personnel and Herriman City staff.

Activities & Trainings

Emergency Preparedness Survey

The purpose of this survey is to increase your awareness of areas of preparedness so you can be better prepared to help your family and we can be better prepared as a community in case of an emergency or disaster.

An online form is available below for Herriman City's statistical purposes to know how the City can best help the community prepare for emergencies. A printable version is also available for download so your family can self-assess your readiness and make any additional preparations you feel are necessary. We invite you to fill out the online survey periodically to continually re-assess your emergency preparedness.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



