5355 West
Herriman Main Street
Herriman, UT 84096
Herriman Police Badge Presentation
The police department presented recently hired or promoted officers and a civilian staff member. Close family members or friends pinned their badge on their uniform and each was recognized individually.
Financial audit
An independent auditor presented an annual report of the City's finances and issued a clean opinion, indicating that the financial reporting is sound and complete. The auditor added that the City has strong staff members and is well-organized. He also noted that the Water Fund's expenditures have exceeded revenues in each of the last five years, and said that type of fund (proprietary or business-type fund) should be turning a profit for overall long-term health to sustain infrastructure.
Budget amendment
Several items in the City's budget were amended to bring them in line with updated estimations or adjust for additions/removals various items. In part due to supply chain issues and other factors, some items accounted for in last year's, this year's, and next year's budgets changed places. The City anticipates amending the budget a few times per year as projections and needs are updated.
City Council board and committee reports
Transportation master plan and impact fees
The Engineering Department presented the first draft of a new transportation master plan. The City's TMP guides future road projects. The draft TMP shows projected models of transportation projects through time based on expected traffic as the city grows. Impact fees are charged to developers to help offset the costs of new growth in the city. The plan is still in progress and will be returned at a later date.
Olympia PID and master development agreement
The Olympia developer is nearly ready to move forward with the first phase of infrastructure for the development. The first phase includes the construction of a 6400 West connection and a water tank. The City had previously agreed to fund the road connection and its portion (half) of the water tank. The total is estimated at up to $6.3 million. There are several options available to the City to fund that portion, and the Council will evaluate to choose the best option.
Additionally, the developer is proposing a few amendments to its master development agreement, including to eliminate the requirement for secondary water line installation. The City requires it for open space and residential lots that average above 6,500 sq ft). The Council will consider the amendments and continue the discussion at a later point.
City events calendar
The Council talked through the calendar of community events to consider if they want any adjustments to days, staffing, costs, etc. Some items for consideration included the potential of a third night of the rodeo, reduction of giveaways during Towne Days, transitioning the MotoX event to a private entity, logistical challenges for the largest events, and ideas for new events in 2023.
Rio Tinto Kennecott/South Jordan City annexation
The Council discussed the annexation of unincorporated property owned by Rio Tinto Kennecott into South Jordan City. Some of the property is adjacent to northwest Herriman and south of 11800 South, which generally serves as the boundary between the two cities. Plans for the property are not yet finalized, but the Council is concerned that it will include dense residential housing, causing impacts to Herriman's roadways and, potentially, services. During any annexation process, state law allows adjacent property owners, including cities, to file a protest. The Council discussed whether to file a formal protest against the annexation, but decided against any immediate action.