Herriman City Support

We Are Herriman: Officer Rolfson

November 2020

Katie Park shared an interaction her daughter, Christine, had with Herriman Police Officer Kyle Rolfson:

“I just wanted to tell you what an awesome experience we had with one of your officers. I was outside putting up Halloween decorations while my daughter was out playing with a new flashlight and she was waving it around and shining it at a police officer who was driving by. He then asked her back with his lights. He flipped his car around and was playful with her asking if his lights were brighter or if her flashlight wand was. He talked to her for a minute and then got out of his car and gave her a sticker and one for her sibling also. It was SO awesome that he was trying to show her how friendly and fun he was. She knows to respect officers but seeing how he treated this situation was wonderful. I got teary eyed after he left thinking about this situation and how he went out of his way for my little girl. I am so grateful for our officers and all they do for us. I’ve had some great experiences with Herriman PD. So many great officers out there who put their lives on the line for us!"

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