Herriman City Support


Emergency Preparedness

Herriman CERT

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is available in Herriman. Volunteers from around the city have been getting involved by taking online training in preparation for completion of their CERT certificate. Others who have already completed their CERT certificate are participating in monthly refresher training activities. Here is what you can do.

CERT was created by FEMA to establish volunteer teams who can be trained and ready to respond to local emergencies. Once you complete your hands-on training, your certificate will be honored in every city and county in the United States. If you move, and would like to volunteer in your new city, you can provide them your certificate and become involved in CERT in your new area.

If you would like to participate in CERT training, you can take CERT online training by clicking on the button below.

CERT Trainings

Online training, provided through University of Utah in coordination Utah State Emergency Management, will provide you the knowledge and foundation necessary to be an effective CERT member. Once you are completed with your online training then you will be eligible to sign up for CERT Hands-On training that will be conducted in Herriman. Email your online training certification to CERT@herriman.org.

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7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



