Herriman City Support
City crews work with a vector truck hose

Public Works

Safety. service. Quality of life.

City Partners

To assist in providing both courteous and cost-effective public service, Herriman City partners with various entities to help serve our community.

Jordan Basin Improvement District

The Jordan Basin Improvement District provides public sanitary sewer service, including collection and treatment of sewage, to all properties located within the boundaries of the District. For more information, visit their website by clicking the button below.

Rendering of South Valley Sewer's main office building

Contact Jordan Basin Improvement District


8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District

Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District provides Herriman City's waste and recycling needs. For more information, visit their website by clicking the button below.

A Wasatch Front Waste truck empties a garbage can.

Wasatch Front Waste facts and tips

How many trucks serve Herriman City on an average day? 

5 refuse/recycle trucks, Tuesday- Friday. One additional truck for green waste during the season on Mondays.

How many tons or yards of waste can a truck haul? 

Up to 7.1 tons per truck.

What is the annual amount of waste and recycling collected from Herriman City?

In 2018, the average pounds collected per household in Herriman City:

  • Waste: 2,244.42 pounds
  • Recycling: 496.45 pounds

What is the total amount of waste & recycling collected from Herriman City as a whole?

In 2018, the total tons of waste collected in Herriman City:

  • Waste: 10,189.25 tons
  • Recycling: 2,244.94 tons
  • Glass: 25.63 tons
  • Green Waste: 320.99 tons

How can residents reduce the amount of waste produced? 

Follow the 3 R's of recycling: Reduce, Reuse, then Recycle

Try other R's of sustainability: Repair, Resell, Repurpose

How can residents make it easier for trucks to collect trash? 

  • Have cans out for collection by 7:00 am.
  • Keep cans at least 3' away from each other and other obstacles like mailboxes, cars, basketbalI standards, etc.
  • Do not place your can under trees or other objects.
  • Trim tree branches that overhang i to the street to at east 13.S' above the ground.
  • Do not overfill your can or put items on the ground.
  • Do not put dirt, rocks, concrete, carpet, hot ashes, wet paint, or hazardous chemicals in your trash.
  • Do not place plastic bags in your recycle can because they clog the sorting equipment at the recycling facility. Instead, take them back to retail store collection bins.

Contact Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling


8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

