Herriman City Support
An aerial view looking northward over Herriman

Code Enforcement

Keeping Herriman safe and healthy

Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement promotes and maintains a safe and desirable community consistent with health, safety, and zoning regulations, and concerning exterior property maintenance. This is done by assisting residents to be in compliance with the City codes in a friendly, fair, and impartial manner. Code Enforcement is administered by the Community Services unit of the Herriman Police Department.

Herriman City Community Services officers are proactive. They seek out areas in the City that are out of compliance with the City code, and work with the resident to bring the property back into compliance. Officers also investigate reports of municipal code violations through personal contact, phone calls and emails relating to health, safety, nuisances, housing and zoning violations.

Courtesy notices identifying alleged compliance issues are delivered or mailed to residents to inform them when a violation has come to the City’s attention. It is the resident’s responsibility to remedy the problem and/or contact the Community Services office for a case review. Most City code compliance issues are handled with an educational intent in an effort to obtain voluntary compliance. Where voluntary compliance is not achieved, civil fines or criminal penalties may result.

Code Enforcement Portal

On the page linked below, residents can submit code enforcement violations, view previous submissions, and read from a list of frequently asked questions.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



