Herriman City Support


Repair and maintenance of existing electrical, mechanical (heating and air conditioning) or plumbing systems do not require a permit. However, the following do require permits:

  • Replacing or adding a new furnace or air conditioner
  • Replacing or adding a new water heater
  • Installing any type of fireplace in the home
  • Adding new electrical, mechanical or plumbing lines to a home or detached structure
  • Installing a back yard gas fire pit
  • Installing a generator and/or Generlink
  • Installing new electrical for an electric vehicle charger

Please note that installing a back yard fireplace, barbecue or any other open flame cooking device does not require a building permit. However, they do need to comply with International Fire Code requirements (see Unified Fire Authority handout). 

Requirements for submitting a permit application for electrical/mechanical/plumbing

  1. Fill out the online Permit Application Form and attach the following items as applicable
  2. The following projects need additional information submitted with the application and will require a plan review:
    1. Added gas furnaces, tankless water heaters or any other added gas fed appliance require a gas diagram (see sample diagram)
    2. Fireplaces require the installation specification; and if gas, then a gas diagram is also required (see sample diagram)
    3. New electrical to a detached structure requires an electrical plan
    4. Back yard gas fire pits require a site plan and gas diagram (see sample diagram)
    5. Generators require a site plan showing the location of the generator and the location of main disconnect & meter cabinet and the distance between them, an electrical one-line diagram and load calls, and the installation specs for the generator
    6. Generlinks require a site plan showing the location of the generator and the location of the main disconnect & meter cabinet and the distance between them (also include a note listing the max length of cord allowed by manufacturer's specs), and the installation specs for the generator and Generlink
    7. Electric car chargers require a one-line diagram and other information (see requirements)

Permit fees – Basic electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits cost $47.47 and if installed at the same time can be combined on one permit (for example: if replacing a furnace and an air conditioner, you would need only one permit and the fee would be just $47.47 total). Permits requiring plan review may take approximately 7-10 business days and there is an additional $47 plan review fee added to the permit fee, making the total $94.47. Permit fees pay for the inspection that is required to make sure your system was installed to code. We will email invoices when fees are due. The permit will be issued after plans are approved (if applicable) and all fees are paid.

When the work is completed an inspection is required. Please call to schedule an inspection at 801-446-5327 at least one business day before you wish to schedule an inspection. You may ask for an hour block of time between 8:30 and 4:30 when an adult can meet the inspector at the property.

For assistance calculating your electrical load, Rocky Mountain Power has a Residential Electrical Load Calculation Worksheet on their website at the bottom of their page at https://www.rockymountainpower.net/working-with-us/builders-contractors.html.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

Please call before 4:00 for inspection requests





Cathryn Nelson • Building Official
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Cathryn Nelson

Lon Christensen • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Lon Christensen

Wade Lehmberg • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Wade Lehmberg