Herriman City Support
A few houses in the foothills of Herriman overlooking the county and Wasatch Front

General Plan

Balance. Infrastructure. Quality of life.

General Plan

The General Plan is the City’s blueprint for development. It serves as a general guideline for decision making regarding the progress and growth of a city. It documents the city’s long-range vision while establishing clear goals, objectives, and actions to guide the community through years of change.

It is updated every several years, with the most recent update adopted in July 2022. The update process began in the winter of 2018-19.

The City held six in-person and virtual community meetings in April 2021 to present and welcome feedback for the draft plan. Recordings of those meetings and presentation materials can be found below. 

Click the map and tables below to view each piece of information being presented for consideration and approval to the City Council:

April 2021 Community Meetings - General Plan Draft Feedback

The General Plan

The General Plan is organized around three main sections that we want you to learn about. 

Vision & Key Initiatives

Herriman’s community vision is based on the common values and priorities identified during the planning process. These are captured and reflected in four Key Initiatives that form the framework for the General Plan policies and the decisions the city makes regarding Herriman’s future: 

  • Growing Wisely - creating a healthy and safe community with diverse, high quality neighborhoods that maximize quality open spaces and views, strengthen the fiscal sustainability of the city, and promote water and resource conservation.
  • Optimizing Open Spaces - ensuring quality open spaces are provided for all of Herriman.
  • Maximizing Unique Fiscal Opportunities - leveraging the city’s inherent assets and desirable location to facilitate bringing non-typical uses and development to the community.
  • Enhancing and Supporting Community and Culture - accommodating a range of needs and desires for community amenities and community character, recognizing differences may be based on age, length of residency, and household configuration.

Future Land Use & Development

Herriman is a community of diverse neighborhoods with a range of housing and lot types, open spaces, amenities, services, shopping areas, and employment opportunities. Regardless of differences in the uses and development patterns, there remains a shared love and appreciation for the outdoors, open spaces, active lifestyles, and the spectacular views that define Herriman. The Future Land Use categories have been updated to help Herriman City communicate more clearly the vision and intent of future growth and development patterns.   

Action Plan

Herriman City will use a detailed and specific set of strategic action items to achieve the vision outlined in the General Plan. This follow-up framework for implementing the ideas and direction of the General Plan will help make it a relevant and useful guide. 

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What is the General Plan?

The General Plan is a planning and policy framework that represents the city’s vision for the future. It documents the city’s long-range vision while establishing clear goals, objectives, and actions to guide the community through years of change. By law the General Plan is required to address certain topics to include land use, housing, conservation, open space, and safety. The General Plan can also include urban design, economic development and sustainability, reflecting the community’s unique vibe, physical features, and needs.

Herriman is part of a growing and changing regional context. The General Plan reflects an understanding of regional issues, their impact on Herriman, and how to strengthen the character of the city as it grows along with the southwestern corner of the Salt Lake Valley. With continuing development opportunities on the horizon, Herriman City recognizes it is at a critical point to function as stewards of the features that make the city a beautiful, desirable, and prosperous place to live.

Why would the City update its plan?

The City must update its General Plan periodically to keep up with the changing needs and conditions of the city and region, as well as reflect new local, regional, state, and federal laws. It is important to align the community’s current conditions with the needs of tomorrow. Herriman City’s existing General Plan was adopted in 2022, and will need a comprehensive re-examination to ensure it reflects the city’s goals and priorities for the future. An updated General Plan will respond to the recent and rapid changes taking place in Herriman, serving as a guide for future development, establishing economic development priorities, and protecting our natural resources. The Plan will influence prioritization for funding of roadway and utility improvements, recreational amenities, and public safety.

A primary goal of this update is to communicate a citywide vision while reflecting the range of different neighborhoods that are part of the city. The plan also helps communicate which areas of the city are expected to remain stable with minor modifications, which areas have known changes in store based on vested development rights, and which areas reflect opportunities for future changes. These are important for all who use the General Plan. 

Who uses the General Plan?

One of the most important things to know about the General Plan is that we all use it!

  • City officials and staff use the General Plan to guide their decisions and to make or update policies and regulations. The plan can help prioritize budget-related decisions on capital improvements and guide the evaluation and review of development proposals. 
  • Residents can use the General Plan to stay informed on what is expected to happen in the community and how that relates to what is happening in their neighborhood and the broader Wasatch Front region.  
  • Business Owners and Property Owners can use the General Plan to understand the direction Herriman City is going and how that impacts the choices they have regarding their property and/or business.

The draft General Plan is structured to make it clear and easy to understand as a resource for all users. 

Who is part of the General Plan update?

The General Plan is relevant to all who live, work, and play in Herriman City. All local residents are invited to collaborate in the process, as well as businesses, employees, community groups, developers, institutions, regional partners, schools, and many others. All input is valued in the update process. The City Council, Planning Commission, City departments, and the consultant team are working together to lead the community through the General Plan update to ensure the highest quality outcome.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday





Michael Maloy • City Planner
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Michael Maloy

Clint Spencer • Planning Manager
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Clint Spencer