Herriman City Support
A view of the land which Olympia Hills will be built on looking from Utah state road 111 southeast toward Herriman.


Annexation Process of Olympia (2021)

The City Council approved the annexation of Olympia into Herriman City boundaries on September 29th, 2021. The boundary change took effect on January 1, 2022. The Council also approved the master development agreement and public infrastructure districts associated with the development. For a full summary of the annexation process, click the button below.

Annexation Process Summary


In a February 2021 City Council meeting, the Herriman City Director of Finance gave a presentation to demonstrate projected financial impacts of the Salt Lake County-approved future Olympia development (formerly called Olympia Hills), comparing projections if Olympia ultimately resides inside or outside Herriman's boundaries. The approved project is located adjacent to Herriman's western border but outside city limits. This presentation led to discussions to further explore the details of these impacts and what the project would mean for the Herriman community.

  • The City received an initial Notice of Intent for potential annexation from the development team on Monday, May 24th.
  • A formal Petition for Annexation was received on June 15, 2021. 
  • The City Council voted to accept the annexation petition for further consideration on July 14, 2021.
  • The Council Council voted on September 29, 2021 to approve the annexation of Olympia into Herriman City and the associated master development agreement and public infrastructure district governing documents.
  • For more annexation timeline information, see "Timeline."

 Detailed information regarding the project and links to work group meeting summaries are published on this web page.

Informational Brochure

The brochure found by clicking the button below was mailed to all Herriman residents in August 2021 and explains the reasoning why the City and developer have been meeting to talk about annexation into Herriman City.

Informational Brochure

Public Outreach

The PDF linked below gives a summary of public outreach from the City and resident feedback over the last several months regarding the Olympia project.

Public Outreach Summary

Picture of a conference room table and chairs inside the Herriman City Hall

Work Group Meetings

Since the Olympia project had been approved by the County, its effect on Herriman City was inevitable. The Herriman City Council and staff members engaged with the developer to examine the details of these impacts—including those on City finances, transportation and water infrastructure, school capacity, public safety, and other services. These discussions were held through four working groups, which each involve City Council members, key City staff members, and individuals from the Olympia development team.

The working groups are described in the table below. To view meeting summaries, click on the work group's picture or label.


Primarily responsible for reviewing and discussing zoning, types of uses, and design guidelines within the potential annexation area

Councilmember Clint Smith
Mayor David Watts
City Planning Director
City Planning Manager
Assistant City Manager
Assistant City Manager
City Attorney
Police Chief
City Community Development Director
Olympia Development Team


Responsible for addressing the impacts to existing infrastructure as well as analyzing the need for new infrastructure in the potential annexation area

Councilmember Sherrie Ohrn
Councilmember Steven Shields
City Engineer
City Public Works Director
Assistant City Manager
Assistant City Manager
City Attorney
Police Chief
City Community Development Director
City Finance Director
City Parks, Recreation, and Events Deputy Director
City Staff Engineer
City Landscape Architect
Olympia Development Team


Responsible for identifying expenses/revenues in the potential annexation area and for analyzing potential funding mechanisms for infrastructure improvements and needs

Councilmember Jared Henderson
Councilmember Steven Shields
City Finance Director
City Finance Manager
Assistant City Manager
Assistant City Manager
City Attorney
City Community Development Director
Olympia Development Team

Development Agreement 

Responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions of a development agreement for the potential annexation area. It is anticipated the work on this will be done by the City Attorney and the developer’s legal counsel and will be based upon the discussions of the other working groups

Councilmember Sherrie Ohrn
Councilmember Clint Smith
City Attorney
Olympia Development Team Legal Counsel

A stretch of undeveloped land adjacent to Herriman that is included in the future Olympia Hills development area.


Below are links to documents of presentations or study findings related to the Olympia development.

The financial projections were presented by the City's Finance Director in February 2021. These compare financial impacts to Herriman City based on whether Olympia stays outside city boundaries or is annexed into the city.

The transportation impacts were presented by the City's Community Development Director in March 2021. This presentation shows the anticipated impacts to Herriman City roadways.

The Bonneville Research study was initially conducted in 2018, prior to the final adopted version of the Olympia plan. It showed that the then-proposed development would not be sustainable for Herriman City. In 2021, following the adoption of the revised development plan, the Herriman City Council directed an update to the Bonneville Research study to reflect updated information.

Financial Impact Projection (Updated)

Updated September 2021 

Reflects that in place of most standard impact fees,  the developer will pay for 100% of infrastructure within the project boundaries.

Map highlighting the Olympia property adjacent to Herriman City boundaries

The Plan

The Olympia master plans and design guidelines approved by Herriman City on September 29, 2021 are linked below. The Olympia plan as approved by Salt Lake County can be found here.

Public Infrastructure Funding - PIDs

Public infrastructure (roads, water lines, stormwater, parks) inside the development will be paid for entirely by the Olympia developer (the exception to this is the costs for City-requested upsizing to specific projects, like adding capacity to a water tank). Much of this infrastructure will be funded using a public infrastructure district, or PID. A PID gives the developer the ability to use a bond to fund infrastructure before or as phases of the development are built. The bond is completely separate from City finances and public funds will not be used to repay the bond. PIDs sometimes can levy a property tax to repay their bonds, but this will NOT be the case in Olympia. The bond will be repaid ONLY by fees the developer assesses to building companies.

Annexation Process Timeline

Below is a simple outline of Utah State Code for annexation of property into a city or town. For Olympia and Herriman City's ongoing process specifically, dates of completed items are included inside of faded-out items.

Property owner submits a Notice of Intent (NOI) to file a Petition of Annexation to the City (copy sent to the County)

May 24, 2021

County notifies City it has received the NOI and sent proper notice

Property owner files Petition for Annexation to the City

June 15, 2021

City accepts or denies further consideration of the Petition

July 14, 2021 - City Council accepted Petition for further consideration.

City (assisted by County) verifies the Petition complies with requirements in State law

Once certified that it complies with state law, the City publishes notice of the petition for three weeks

July 10, 2021

After publication of Petition notice, a 30-day protest period begins

If no protest filed, City Council public hearing on the Petition

Hearings closed Sept 22, 2021

Petition is accepted by ordinance or denied

Annexation approved September 29, 2021

City sends notice of impending boundary change

Lt. Governor's Office verifies all requirements are met and issues a Certificate of Annexation

Boundary change takes effect

January 1, 2022

Land Development Fact Sheet

Learn more about what unincorporated land is, who can approve or deny land development, what annexation is, and more.