Public Notices

Public Notices

Public notices provide updates on public hearings, funding programs, expression of interest, public awareness announcements and other important information regarding Herriman City.

Information regarding the proposal or ordinance may be found at the Herriman City Hall, located at 5355 West Herriman Main Street.

City Council Public Hearings

Planning Commission Public Hearings

Request for Bids, Proposals, and Qualifications

Recently Approved Ordinances

2024-24: Ordinance amending Title 10, Chapter 15, Article E of the Herriman City Code relating to the Sports and Entertainment mixed use overlay zone.

2024-25: Ordinance amending the Herriman City Zoning Map by applying the Sports and Entertainment Mixed-Use Overlay Zone to 16.98 acres of property located at approximately 12225 South Herriman Main Street.

2024-26: Ordinance amending Title 10 of the Herriman City Code to regulate the Outdoor Storage of Recreational and Accessory Vehicles on private property. 

Surplus Items

Vehicles and equipment will be disposed of in a manner that will maximize resale value and minimize surplus time.  As vehicles and equipment are approved for surplus, value will be established.  Herriman City will then post the surplus vehicles or equipment for sale.  Bids are then submitted in a closed bid form. Generally, bids will be awarded to the highest bid and to get the best return for the City.  All vehicles and equipment are sold in an “as is” “where is” “it is” in all respects without any warranty of any kind.

Other Public Notices

Notice of intent to prepare an amendment to the Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis for Public Safety and Fire/EMS Services

Herriman City intends to prepare amendment to the Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis for Public Safety and Fire/EMS Services. The proposed amendments include the current City boundaries, and the areas anticipated to be annexed to the west over the next ten years. 

Those receiving this notice are invited to provide information to be considered in adopting the analysis. 

Information, public meeting schedules and other issues related to the process may be found online. For additional information concerning the analysis or proposed Impact Fee Facilities plans, you may contact Cody Stromberg, Deputy Chief of Police, during regular business hours. 

Notice of intent to prepare an amendment to the Master Plan, Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis for Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails 

Herriman City, Utah, intends to prepare amendment to the Master Plan, Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis for Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails. The proposed amendments include the current City boundaries, and the areas anticipated to be annexed to the west over the next ten years.

Those receiving this notice are invited to provide information to be considered in adopting the analysis.

Information, public meeting schedules and other issues related to the process may be found by visiting the Herriman City website located at For additional information concerning the analysis or proposed Impact Fee Facilities plans, you may contact Anthony Teuscher, Deputy Director of Parks, Recreation and Events, during regular business hours.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday




Jackie Nostrom • Herriman City Recorder
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Jackie Nostrom