City crews work with a vector truck hose

Public Works

Safety. service. Quality of life.

Public Works

The Public Works Department keeps Herriman City moving. It aims to provide exception public service to the community while providing a safe, enjoyable place to live and work. Its vision is to be recognized by customers as improving their efficiency and effectiveness by providing the highest level of service at the lowest possible cost.


The Facilities Department provides services to both the community and City employees. It manages the care of building rentals, inspects the facilities and takes a proactive approach to the maintenance of City-owned buildings. This includes but is not limited to the city hall, restroom buildings, shops, pavilions, and concessions.

A Facilities staff member works on a piece of equipment


The Fleet Department manages City assets and assists every department in the maintenance of all City-owned and operated vehicles and equipment.

A Herriman City trucks drives to a job

Street Lights

The Street Lights Department maintains and repairs street lights and luminaries. It also manages traffic signals, school flashers and electronic signs. They also hang various banners on light poles to help beautify the city.

A City employee in a bucket truck repairs a broken street light

Street Maintenance

The Streets Department maintains and cleans road surfaces, including patching and preservation. They control roadside weeds, and maintain sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. Staff members also install and repair street signs and lead in snow removal.

A Herriman City street sweeper truck cleans the roadside


The Stormwater Department consists of elements and expertise from Public Works as well as Engineering. This department plans, maintains, inspects, and cleans stormwater and drainage infrastructure.

Water pours down a drain from a gutter during a June 2020 Herriman rainstorm.


The  Water Department provides services and maintains water infrastructure and supply to residents and businesses.

City Partners

To assist in providing both courteous and cost-effective public service, Herriman City partners with various entities to help serve our community.

Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District Logo South Valley Sewer District Logo Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District Logo

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



After hours/emergency on-call:

Option 1: Water
Option 2: Streets/Stormwater
Option 3: Parks and Recreation
Option 4: Facilities and Street Lights


Justun Edwards • Director of Public Works
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Herriman City