Herriman City Support
Close up image of the Herriman Justice Court gavel with flags in the background.


Justice. Fair. Efficient.

Small Claims

The Herriman Justice Court has jurisdiction over small claims cases (claims up to $10,000, exclusive of filing and service of process fee) if one of the parties resides in Herriman City, or if the debt or cause of action arose in Herriman City.

Filing Fees

Claim Fee
Less than $2,000 $60
$2,001 - $7,500 $100
$7,501 - $10,000 $185

Forms and Rules

Necessary forms, as well as instructions for filing and prosecuting a small claims case can be found by clicking the button below.

Rules and Forms

Collecting on a Judgment

When a plaintiff prevails in a small claims case, the plaintiff will be given a “judgment”. It is up to the plaintiff to collect on that judgment. You can find information and instructions on how to collect a judgment by clicking on the button below.

Collect on Judgment

Rules of Procedure

The Utah Rules of Small Claims Procedure are the official rules / law that govern small claims procedure throughout the State of Utah.The Utah Rules of Evidence are not strictly applied in justice courts, but judges may allow evidence that is of the sort commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their business affairs.

Small Claims Procedure

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



