5355 West
Herriman Main Street
Herriman, UT 84096
As a City, residents, and business owners of the community, we all play a part in removing snow and keeping our streets and sidewalks safe. Learn more below about each aspect of snow removal and the role we each play.
In anticipation of snow storms, crews will prepare for snow removal:
City streets will be plowed to provide better access to the higher traveled streets first. The priorities are as follows:
Property owner's must keep sidewalks adjacent to their property clear and free of snow and ice.
The City's crews will remove snow and ice from city-owned sidewalks leading to and at public facilities, as well as main routes a part of school zone/safe walking routes.
State law prohibits residents, business owners, and/or contractors from depositing snow into public roads. This practice is dangerous and impedes the City’s snow removal efforts. Snow removed from sidewalks and driveways should be placed on lawn areas, park strip areas or on private property.
Snow that accumulates on the plow blade has no place to go but in the road right-of-way, which includes approaches to driveways. Many times, snowplowing forms snow piles in front of driveways, which may create hardships for some residents. Unfortunately, the City possesses neither the personnel nor the equipment to clear the thousands of driveway approaches within the city. Because of this, snow removal of driveway approaches is the resident’s responsibility.
When clearing driveways, the snow should be placed on lawn areas or park strips (do not cover fire hydrants). This will minimize snow accumulation in drive approach areas during snow plowing operations. Putting the snow in the street can cause delays in snow removal as well as damage to personal property.
During the winter season, it is very important to remove the snow from around fire hydrants. If there is a fire hydrant in front of a home, it is that homeowner’s responsibility to keep it clear of all snow.
The snow plow operators make every effort to remove snow as close to the curb line as possible and to provide access to the mailboxes for the postal service. However, depending on the severity of certain storms, and with the equipment the City operates, it is not possible to completely remove snow around mailboxes. The final cleaning adjacent to mailboxes is the responsibility of each resident.
City crews will clear snow from paved sections of the City’s trail system as time and resources allow. Some unpaved areas may be left unplowed for various forms of winter recreation.
What are those little white lines throughout the travel lanes? Herriman City snowplow crews are now using salt brine, a liquid salt mixture, as an effective measure to help prevent dangerous road conditions before anticipated snowfall. Salt brine has the same melting characteristics of solid rock salt, but since it is applied in liquid form, the salt can begin to work immediately, the brine mixture is also more effective in lower temperatures. The salt brine solution when distributed and applied to the road prior to a snowfall event is known as anti-icing.
Using salt brine proves not only to be more effective on roads, but is also cost effective. It takes four times less salt to prevent ice accumulation than to remove ice after it has formed.
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday
After hours/emergency on call:
Option 2: Streets/Stormwater
Monte Johnson • Director of Operations
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email