Herriman City Support
A closeup of the pavement on 12600 South/Herriman Highway in May 2020


Keeping you moving safely.

Streets Maintenance

The Streets Department provides the following services:

  • Road surface maintenance and preservation
  • Roadside weed control
  • Sidewalk, curb and gutter maintenance
  • Street sign installation and repair
  • Street sweeping
  • Snow removal


Herriman City maintains:

  • 314 lane miles of roadway
  • 280 miles of sidewalks
  • 3,685 street signs

Snow Removal

For details and information about snow removal services in Herriman City, click the button below.

A Herriman snowplow clears Main Street during a February 2019 snowstorm

The first stage of an asphalt pavement preservation treatment on a Herriman road in 2020

Asphalt Pavement Preservation 

An asphalt preservation treatment is typically applied within the first two to three years of a new road being installed. Based on traffic volumes and road conditions, additional treatments are applied every five to seven years. Bituminous surface treatments, or BSTs, are a low cost method to extend the life of this vital piece of infrastructure.

There is a wide range of techniques that can be used to preserve existing pavement surface. BSTs most often allow a drivable condition within hours on moderate- to low volume-roads. Some treatments can also rehabilitate an existing pavement. Usually, the term BST is used to describe a slurry seal or chip seal, but there are many different types of surface treatments. These treatments can be applied to an existing asphalt pavement structure, and represent a low cost alternative to typical asphalt repaving.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



After hours/emergency on call:

Option 2: Streets/Stormwater



Eric Didericksen • Streets Manager
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Eric Didericksen

Monte Johnson • Director of Operations
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Monte Johnson