Herriman City Support

Tenant Finishes

If you are finishing or remodeling a tenant finish space in a commercial building, you are required to submit for and obtain a building permit and inspections.

Requirements for submitting a permit application for a tenant finish

  1. Fill out the online Permit Application Form and attach all of the following items
  2. Construction plans electronically stamped by the architect, and as applicable by the structural engineer, electrical engineer, and mechanical engineer
  3. COMcheck (use most current version; select Riverton as the location) see www.energycodes.gov (only required for new tenant finishes, not changes of use)
  4. Manual J, D & S or energy analysis documents (only required for new tenant finishes, not changes of use)
  5. All supporting documentation such as a project manual, etc.
  6. Valuation, including costs for labor and materials to complete the project (can be a contract, bid sheet, or invoice)
  7. Contractor Occupancy Agreement 
  8. Special Inspection Agreement

We will submit your plans to Unified Fire Authority for their review –  801-824-3719.

Other departments and organizations you may need to contact for approval:

Salt Lake County Health Department – 801-468-2750

Jordan Basin Improvement District – 801-571-1166

Herriman City Business Licensing – 801-446-5323, licensing@herriman.gov

Be aware that each project is unique. This may not be a complete checklist, and this may include approvals that may not be necessary for every project.

Permit fees are based on the valuation of the project.  We will email invoices when fees are due.  Plan review will take approximately 10-21 business days after which we may require corrections that need to be made to your plans. The permit will be issued after plans are approved and all fees are paid.

Other Items to Review:

Applicable Building Codes

Required Inspections

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

Please call before 4:00 for inspection requests





Cathryn Nelson • Building Official
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Cathryn Nelson

Lon Christensen • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Lon Christensen

Wade Lehmberg • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Wade Lehmberg