5355 West
Herriman Main Street
Herriman, UT 84096
If you are planning to transfer a building permit from one owner to another, you are required to submit the following, along with a $94.00 permit transfer.
Contact the Building Department at 801-446-5327 to determine the status of the project and what is required to finish the project. We can email you a copy of the original permit and the inspection history to date. We can also give you the architect information so you can order a new set of plans if necessary (see item 4).
Submit all required documents and plans to the Building Department by email at building@herriman.gov. If your plans are too large to email, please provide a shareable link to where we can download your plans from such as Dropbox, Google Drive or other online service.
The fee for permit transfer is $94.00. Payments may be made by phone, 801-446-5323, with an electronic check or by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express.
All required inspections must be approved in order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy. Call the Building Department at 801-446-5327 at least one business day before you wish to schedule inspections (see Required Inspections).
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday
Please call before 4:00 for inspection requests
Cathryn Nelson • Building Official
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email
Lon Christensen • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email
Wade Lehmberg • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email