Water pours out of a metal pipe


Clean. Safe. Responsible.

Water Conservation

In the arid west, water resources are an important topic. Drawing from a blend of surface water and ground water, we have been fortunate to have had so much water in the past. Although we are not in immediate risk of running out of drinking water, the state of Utah needs to continue to cut back their water use to ensure supplies last. Utah faces significant challenges in the near future as our population is expected to double by 2060. This means we will have to stretch our water supplies about twice as far as we do today to keep up with demand. Luckily, saving water can be easy and even fun. Below are some ways to start small to spur big changes to help keep Herriman a great place to live and grow.

What is Herriman doing to conserve water?

Parks and Public Spaces

The Parks Department maintains thousands of sprinkler heads throughout our facilities, and does their best to ensure our systems are running efficiently and effectively. This includes weekly visual inspections to check for leaks or misaligned sprinkler heads, and in depth monthly audits. Additionally, we have evaluated our public spaces and are committed to reducing watering schedules in less trafficked recreations areas. All areas which are not used for consistent recreational space (sports fields) have a reduced watering schedule. Please contact us if you notice any areas in which we can improve. 

Water Wise Development

All new residential development taking place within Herriman must adhere to our Water Efficiency Standards. Considering that 70% of water consumed by residents is applied to outdoor landscapes, new homes will be equipped with resilient landscapes that promote decreased maintenance, increased curb appeal and accessibility, all while conserving water by reducing overall lawn area sizes and utilizing efficient water sense irrigation systems. 

Public Education and Conservation Promotion

Reducing per capita water use is a collective effort and we want to involve the community as much as possible as we work toward our conservation goals. That's why we are making it our mission to do everything we can to provide residents with the tools and information they need to maintain a high quality of life while using less. Keep reading to find out more. 

Utah DNR Weekly Lawn Watering Guide

The Utah Department of Natural Resources—Division of Water Resources provides a weekly guide for how much to water lawns based on the state's current weather and water situation. Click the button below for the latest information.

Water Conservation Incentives for Landscaping

Several incentives for water-efficient landscaping are available through Utah Waver Savers. As of March 2024, all local water efficiency incentives from various agencies have been moved into this single Landscape Incentives Program.

A summary of the program:

  • Homeowners may receive $3 per square foot to replace an existing lawn area with water-wise landscaping (commercial and institutional properties may receive $2 per square foot).
    • Treebate add-on: Homeowners can receive $100 per tree for up to 5 trees when planted in conjunction with a turf conversion project.
  • Switch to Drip: Homeowners can receive $0.50 per square foot to convert planting beds watered with spray irrigation to drip irrigation.
  • Localscapes principles are encouraged as a best practice with the landscape incentive program.

Irrigation Tips

Follow these five simple steps to improve irrigation efficiency:

  1. Experiment with irrigation run times and frequency
    Although the closest climate station which collects information to generate the recommended weekly watering guide is located in Daybreak, every landscape may vary. Consider setting your irrigation system to run a minimal amount. If you see that parts of your landscape are not sufficiently watered, only then should you increase watering events. Try to follow the watering guide as close as possible. If you see that there are spots which require more water, briefly water them with a garden hose rather than running an additional cycle. 
  2. Check in on your sprinkler system sprays/rotors
    When you turn your system on for the year, and periodically throughout the summer months, spend a few minutes ensuring that all of the sprayers are only watering plans and lawns. Nozzles can get bend over time and may need to be popped back into place. 
  3. Adjust timers and zones to water based on need
    Lawn areas require more water than shrubs and herbs. If your irrigation system has the ability to set different watering zones, place planting beds to run for shorter amounts of time and less frequently than lawn areas. 
  4. If it goes in easily, it's to soon to water
    Using a screwdriver, pen, or pencil gently slide the pointy end into your lawn area. If the screwdriver goes in smoothly without much effort the soil is still moist, and does not need to be watered. Check back every couple of days to determine when it's time to water. 
  5. Raise your mower
    Strong roots are crucial for plant health. Reducing over watering and raising your mower blades to 3-4" will shade your soil. This will reduce evaporation and create a more resilient root system network, enabling your landscape to stay healthy during drought. 

Did you know that the average lawn receives two to three times more water than it needs to flourish? If just 75% of homeowners water their landscapes based on its actual water requirements, Herriman City and Salt Lake County can easily achieve our water conservation goals. 

How to avoid overwatering based on local conditions

There are several ways to avoid overwatering your landscape. Using multiple options may maximize conservation efforts.

  1. Fixture rebates offered through UtahWaterSavers.com
    Smart controllers automatically pair with the closet climate station, and automate your sprinkler system to a water efficient schedule. Sprinkler systems can be adjusted from your smart phone. 
  2. Conduct a simple sprinkler performance test using catch cans
    Sprinkler performance tests aim to determine the precipitation rate of your sprinklers. The precipitation rate will tell you how long to run your sprinkler zones to match the amount of water your landscape requires to stay healthy. 
  3. Use a drip irrigation system to water plant beds
    Switching to drip is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Drip irrigation is a very efficient way to water plantings beds and trees because it reduces the amount of evaporation, eliminating water waste. 
  4. Consider replacing non-functional turf with low water use plants
    Non-functional turf refers to any area of grass that is only stepped on to mow or weed eat. Redesigning a landscape can be a daunting task. Luckily, there is a lot of support and resources out there to help you get the process started. 

The Localscapes rewards program (including "Flip Your Strip") provides design direction to help you transform your property into a water efficient landscape. The Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District has created an excellent resource for everything related to outdoor water savings. Visit localscapes.com to see extensive plant catalogs, landscape plans, and have all your landscaping questions answered. 

As the state's population grows and weather fluctuates, water conservation is increasingly important. Conserving water in your home will help reduce strain on public water systems and allow for more water storage ensuring that there will always be enough drinking water to go around. 

Great Salt Lake

While maintaining sufficient reservoir levels is critical, so is allowing water into our streams, rivers, and lakes to support essential ecosystem services. The Great Salt Lake contributes greatly to Utah's hydrologic cycle by providing a warm environment where water condenses into the lower atmosphere before being returned as snow in the Wasatch and Uintah mountain ranges. Considering that the majority of our water sources are dependent on this "lake effect," it is very important that we consider how to preserve these natural systems so that we may continue to live a healthy life in such a beautiful place. 

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday



After hours/emergency on-call:

Option 1: Water



Luke Sieverts • Water Manager
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Herriman City

Justun Edwards • Director of Public Works
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Herriman City