5355 West
Herriman Main Street
Herriman, UT 84096
Clean. Safe. Responsible.
Yes, when a new development occurs in Herriman, the developer is responsible for constructing the necessary infrastructure to serve their development using their own funds. Additionally, they are required to post a bond to cover infrastructure costs. This bond serves as a safeguard in case the developer fails to complete the project.
However, while roads and sidewalks are built as subdivisions are constructed, primary water infrastructure like tanks, pump stations, water transmission lines, and so forth are built up front and all at once. With how development impact fees are set up by state law, their fees paid to the City come over time as their project is built. In this case, their development fees effectively serve as reimbursement to the City, and that revenue is factored into the City's financial models.
However, Olympia and other developments that use financing mechanisms called public infrastructure districts, or PIDs (which are relatively new to the state of Utah), pay for all their own infrastructure up front without involving the City.
Yes and no. While the October 2024 rate increase includes the added cost of purchasing water from JVWCD during the off-peak season (October-April), it’s not the primary driver of the increase. The main factors include general inflation, repairs and maintenance on aging infrastructure, operational costs, increased water purchases due to growth, and reduced revenue from water conservation efforts.
Although JVWCD water costs more, Herriman’s water demand is much lower in the off-peak season—around 3-4 million gallons per day compared to 25-30 million gallons per day during the summer. Only 4.3% of the rate increase is directly related to using JVWCD water exclusively during the winter months.
Water usage peaks during the hottest months of the year, requiring the City to purchase additional water from the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (JVWCD). JVWCD provides softer water compared to the local well water the City has historically relied on. When blended with local water, JVWCD reduces the total dissolved solids (TDS), which measure water hardness, resulting in better-tasting water from your faucet. Before 2024, as seasonal temperatures cooled and peak water usage decreased, the City relied more on the less expensive local well water, which increased the hardness of the water coming out of our faucets.
Starting in fall 2024, the City will use JVWCD water exclusively during the off-peak season to maintain improved water hardness for residents. This additional purchased water incurs extra costs, which account for approximately a quarter of the fall 2024 water rate increase.
Water from the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District is indeed less hard than water from local sources. However, it also costs Herriman City about four times as much as producing from our wells. Using lower-cost water sources helps keep water prices for customers as low as possible.
Additionally, the local wells are major assets to the City. Herriman City has used water rights assets and has expended significant money on the wells and wants to maximize their use.
However, because many residents do not favor the locally-sourced water, the City Council has decided to use JVWCD water exclusively during the off-peak months and discontinue using local sources until the summertime (starting fall 2024).
People use a variety of different methods depending on their needs, desires, and budget. Some use filters on sinks and shower heads. Many people in Herriman use water softeners to serve their entire home and/or add citric acid or vinegar in their dishwasher cycles.
Water from the City is completely safe to drink, but sometimes the hardness will cause an undesirable taste or smell, so some people use whole-house water filtration systems to filter out hard water as well as many other substances.
Hypothetically, yes. The City Council has discussed this, but each potential solution would come with a hefty price tag (between $30-80 million, depending on the method). Citywide treatment options include reverse osmosis, electrodialysis reversal, and lime softening.
The City has decided instead to exclusively use water from the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District in off-peak seasons when the water hardness nuisance is at its greatest. This method still comes at a cost, but one the City can more easily afford.
The City takes measurements at a citywide scale in its distribution system and at the source level. The water is consistently well within federal and state regulations and is safe to drink.
Aesthetics (taste, smell, appearance) due to hardness do not affect the water’s safety, but sometimes the water can be unpleasant. Aesthetic differences in water are mainly due to natural influences such as underground geological mineral content or precipitation runoff into surface water sources.
If you have concerns about the water in your home, you are welcome to call the Water Department to answer questions, or a technician can test your water.
By federal and state regulation, the City is required to publish test results and information in a Consumer Confidence Report. The report is published by June each year and contains test results from the previous year. The most recent report can be found at the button on this page ("Annual Water Quality Report").
Secondary water is only available to some areas (See secondary availability map). Secondary water will be available from May 1st to mid October each year.
Whether culinary or secondary water is used, it is important to drain lines thoroughly to prevent damage caused by freezing. Most sprinkling systems can be flushed with compressed air by connecting to the system and turning on each zone to flush out the water with air. It may be a good idea to hire a landscaping or sprinkler company if you are unsure how to flush the lines out with air yourself. It is also recommended to remove your backflow prevention device and store it in your garage during the winter to prevent damage.
Any connection between a public water system or potable water system and any source containing non potable water or other substances or contaminants.
The undesirable reversal of flow on non potable water or substance through a cross connection and into the piping of a potable water system.
A backflow preventer is a means or mechanism to prevent backflow. It eliminates cross connection and provides a barrier to backflow.
Mechanical backflow preventers have internal seals, springs, and moving parts that are subject to failure, wear, and fatigue. Therefore, all backflow preventers must be tested within the first 10 days of initial use and then must be tested annually to ensure they are functioning properly.
Secondary water is not treated and is not for human consumption.
We do recommend using a filter. We are already filtering to 200 micron. Consult a sprinkler professional to determine what level of filtration is needed for your system.
Ironically the ordinary garden hose is the most common offender as it can be easily connected to the potable water supply and used for a variety of potentially dangerous applications.
Yes, a hose bib vacuum breaker should be installed on every hose bib to isolate garden hose applications.
The “Degree of Hazard” is a commonly used term in cross connection to determine whether the substance in the non potable system is toxic (Health Hazard) or non toxic (Non Health Hazard).
Make sure all faucets are off in the home and that no water is running. Look at the water meter and see if the dial is moving. If it is, there is water flow, which means there's a leak. Turn off the water main valve inside your home and the sprinkler main valve. Check the water meter for flow. If it is still moving, your leak is going to be somewhere in the main water line from the meter box to the home. If your meter does not show flow after you shut off the main valve, then try turning on the valve to the sprinkling system. If the meter still does not show flow, then the leak is inside your home. At this point, we recommend you hire a plumber to locate and repair any leaks on your property.
At Herriman City, we remain committed to providing you with safe, reliable, and affordable water. If you have any questions or concerns about your water, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday
After hours/emergency on-call:
Option 1: WaterLuke Sieverts • Water Manager
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email
Justun Edwards • Director of Public Works
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email