Water pours out of a metal pipe


Clean. Safe. Responsible.

Water Infrastructure

The Water Department does a large variety of system maintenance on Herriman's wells, pumps, and chemical injection systems. They also do annual maintenance on pressure relief valves and air vacs. Crews annually exercise all valves in the water system and flush every fire hydrant and dead end.


Herriman continues to grow rapidly, keeping the Water Department busy and productive.

Connection type Connections as of June 2023
Culinary 15,134
Secondary 4,577
  Total 19,711

InfrastructureCity maintains
Water lines326 miles
Fire hydrants2,436
Water main valves 7,456
Pump stations 8
Total pump station capacity 9,900 gallons per minute

Water Sources

  • Hamilton well
  • Well #1
  • Well #2
  • Well #3
  • Jordan Valley Water
  • Arnold Hollow Springs
  • Stillman well

Water gushes out of an opening in the road as a City employee watches the flushing process

Water Samples

Herriman City takes numerous water quality and chemical level samples throughout the system on a daily basis (all 365 days of the year) to guarantee water quality and safety. Due to absence or low levels present, many of the following source samples have been changed to a reduced monitoring schedule every three or six years. The Water Department also performs a full-spectrum test on all wells every other year to monitor for many contaminants not required for monitoring.

Several large pipes and valves

Distribution system samples Number of samples Additional information
Fluoride 4-5 biweekly = 9 per month One sample is sent to the state lab per month to ensure accuracy of our test equipment
Disinfection byproduct 4 per quarter = 16 per year Monitoring the effects of chlorine in the water.
Lead and copper 20 every 3 years Lead and copper samples must be taken in homes that have copper water lines with seed solder installed (between 1983 and 1988). This is done to determine if the water pH is leaching contaminants out of the pipes in the home.
Chlorine residuals 30 per month = 360 per year Presence of chlorine is an indicator that there will not be bacteria in the water.
Bacteriological 30 per month = 360 per year
Taken to ensure no bacteria is present in the water.

Source samplesNumber of samples
Inorganics and metals1 every 3 years x 4 sources = 4 every 3 years
Nitrates1 per year x 4 sources = 4 per year
Pesticides 2 every 3 years x 4 sources = 8 every 3 years
Radionuclides 1 every 6 years x 4 sources = 4 every 6 years
Sulfates, sodium, TDS (total dissolved solids) 1 every 3 years x 4 sources = 4 every 3 years

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday





Justun Edwards • Director of Public Works
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Herriman City

Luke Sieverts • Water Manager
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Herriman City