Herriman City Support

Water Rate Information

Water is a vital resource, and Herriman City is committed to ensuring residents have reliable access to clean, safe drinking water. Our water utility is designed to be financially self-sustaining, which means the costs of providing water services are covered solely by the revenues generated from water bills and developer impact fees. This includes everything from infrastructure maintenance to water sourcing and operational expenses.

2024 Water Rate Increase

As of October 1, 2024, the City has implemented a 16.3% water rate increase to account for rising costs, including inflation, infrastructure improvements, and increased expenses related to water sourcing. This increase ensures the City can maintain the sustainability and quality of its water services.

Water Rate Calculator

Residents can use our sample bill calculator to see how this rate change might affect their next utility bill based on their specific water usage.

1: Find Your Water Zone

Water Rate Map Screenshot

Scroll/swipe through the Water Rate Map to determine which zone you live in. Your water zone affects the rate structure for your area.

2: Locate Your Water Usage

Screenshot of a sample Herriman City utility bill

Refer to your utility bill to find your water usage (measured in thousand gallons). This information will help you calculate your new bill.

Xpress Bill Pay Website Login

3: Use the Rate Calculator

Screenshot image of a sample water rate calculator

Select the appropriate water rate calculator for your zone and input your water usage in thousands to see how the new rate structure impacts your bill.

Example: total usage shown on bill (36) x 1,000 = 36,000 gallons used (enter this number into the calculator).

Water FAQs

For questions and answers about Herriman water, see the Water FAQs webpage.