Herriman City Support
A closeup image of a storm drain during a June 2020 rainstorm


Only rain down the drain.

To report a spill emergency or illegal dumping call:

801-446-5323 (option 2 after hours)

Sandbags for Residents

The Stormwater Department prepares sandbags for residents to use in the event of a flood emergency each spring. At this time, each resident may pick up a maximum of 25 sandbags from the west dirt lot of Butterfield Park, 6212 West Butterfield Park Way, near the RV dump site. If you have additional flood emergency related questions, please give us a call at 801-446-5323.

Stormwater Maintenance

The Stormwater Department is committed to safely delivering stormwater to drainage outfalls and minimizing any potential flooding through aggressive cleaning and maintenance of the storm drain system.

The stormwater system consists of all gutters, grates, detention ponds, storm inlets, pipes, culverts and any drainage system used to collect rainwater and snowmelt and deliver it to appropriate streams in order to prevent flooding and property damage throughout the city. State and federal Environmental Protection Agency laws require all cities to collect storm runoff and minimize the pollution it carries downstream. All stormwater in Utah is publicly owned by the state.

Part of the department's duties is to sweep each road in Herriman twice each year and clean each catch basin at least every two years. Catch basin sumps collect debris and sediment from stormwater and need to be cleared periodically. The department also maintains and inspects open drainages and detention ponds for flood control. Sand bags are available for residents to pick up when needed at Butterfield Park. Contact Herriman City at 801-446-5323 if you are in need of sand bags.

Herriman City maintains 9,098 storm drain structures and 163 miles of pipe ranging between 12 and 72 inches in diameter.

Detention pond in Herriman near Mountain Ridge High School with a neighborhood and sunrise in the background

Stormwater Management Plan

Herriman City's Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is reviewed annually and updated as needed. These documents outline the City's best effort to improve stormwater quality. Comments on the SWMP or Compliance Plan should be directed to Public Utilities Engineer Jonathan Bowers.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday





Jonathan Bowers •  Public Utilities Engineer
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Jonathan Bowers

Justun Edwards • Director of Public Works
Phone: 801-446-5323 | Email

Herriman City