Additions and Remodels

If you are planning to add an addition to your home, or do a remodel to all or part of your home, you are required to submit for and obtain a building permit and inspections.

Please be aware that dumpsters and construction materials must not create an obstruction to the public.

Requirements for submitting a permit application for an addition or remodel

  1. Fill out Permit Application Form
  2. Site plan (see sample Site Plan Diagram) showing the existing house, property lines, where on the property the addition will be placed and the setbacks (contact the City Planning & Zoning Department at 801-446-5323 for setbacks requirements).
  3. Construction Plans:
    For a remodel, see Sample Remodel Diagrams
    For an addition, include footing/foundation details, wall and roof details, etc. (see samples Typical Addition Section Diagram, Typical Addition Floor Plan, Typical Addition Floor & Roof Layout Plan).
    1. Be sure to label the use of each room.
    2. Hash mark through areas not being finished, such as unfinished storage.
    3. Show all electrical outlets, lights switches, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.
    4. Show dimensions of each window, each room and of entire area being finished.
    5. Show window well dimensions for all bedrooms (see Emergency Escape diagram for egress requirements).
    6. Show existing areas adjacent to the addition or remodel, mark the use of the existing rooms, identify windows and doors that will be removed (engineering may be required).
    7. Comply with fireblocking requirements for exterior basement walls (see Typical Fireblocking Diagram).
    8. Please be aware that creating an Internal Accessory Dwelling Unit (apartment) is only allowed in certain zones, has other conditions, and requires an application and approval (see I-ADUs).
    9. Other applicable information – Building Codes and Design Criteria
  4. Structural Engineering with engineer’s stamp
  5. For large additions you may be required to also submit a REScheck to the Utah 2015 Code – make sure to use the most current version of software, select Riverton as the location (since Herriman is not a choice), see for software
  6. If you are acting as an owner/builder, submit a signed Owner/Builder Certification.

Permit fees are based on the square footage being finished (see Fee Calculation Form). Permit fees pay for reviews in the office as well as inspections which will need to be done at the property. We will email invoices when fees are due.

Submit signed application and plans to the Building Department by email at  If your plans are too large to email, please provide a shareable link to where we can download your plans from such as Dropbox, Google Drive or other online service.

Plan review will take approximately 10-15 working days, after which we may require corrections that will need to be made to your plans. The permit will be issued after plans are approved and all fees are paid.

Additions/Remodels vary in the inspections that are required. See Required Inspections – this will give you a list of the possible inspections that may be required for your project. If you are not sure which inspections apply to your project, be sure to contact us. Call the Building Department at 801-446-5327 at least one business day before you wish to schedule each inspection. You may ask for an hour block of time when there will be an adult to meet the inspector at the property. When the work is completed and all inspections are approved, be sure to keep the plans, permit and inspection reports with your house records.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

Please call before 4:00 for inspection requests




Cathryn Nelson • Building Official
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Cathryn Nelson

Lon Christensen • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Lon Christensen

Wade Lehmberg • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Wade Lehmberg